

The Geotek group has a common strategy to provide outstanding equipment and services for the acquisition and analysis of geological core samples for research and industry.  Geotek’s continued growth over recent years has led to the division in the business of sales and services.

Geotek Coring Ltd. (UK) and Geotek Coring Inc. (USA)

This business division mainly specializes in providing coring and core logging services to academia, industry and government research organizations worldwide.  Core logging equipment and services are provided on a rental, data acquisition and/or consultancy basis around the globe for either onshore or offshore projects.  Applications vary from academic users examining the sedimentary record in oceans and lakes for climate research, to industrial applications in the mining, hydrocarbon and offshore geotechnical sectors. These services are often supported by using the MSCL and X-ray imaging equipment developed and provided by Geotek Ltd and our in house geoscience expertise as an integrated package.

The coring component of the business has a strong track record for developing new tools and participating in national and international offshore drilling projects.  With a historical emphasis of pressure coring in gas hydrate exploration environments, Geotek works alongside commercial partners and scientific groups to deliver high quality pressure core samples and core analysis data.  In this specialist activity of pressure coring and pressure core analysis, Geotek provides a complete borehole to laboratory service for detailed non-destructive and geotechnical analysis of cores recovered and maintained at full in situ pressures.  We continue to support and develop technologies and services for this and other unconventional resource exploration with our unique mixture of experience, capability and technologies.

Geotek Ltd. (UK)

This business division primarily specialises in the development and sales of equipment for high-resolution, non-destructive analysis of all geological cores.  We have supplied our range of Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) systems for over 25 years, using a suite of geophysical and geochemical sensors (including X-ray CT imaging) primarily aimed at non-destructive core analysis.  A team of talented individuals at Geotek designs and builds these instruments with an unmatched level of expertise and experience gained from using the equipment in real world applications.

Sensors available for Geotek’s core logging systems include those developed in house by Geotek as well as those provided in collaboration with third party manufacturers. This enables us to provide MSCL systems that can collect a unique and wide range of multi-parameter data from sediment and rock cores with unparalleled resolution, accuracy and efficiency. Our systems are designed to be flexible and work with core material obtained from hard unlined rock cores to soft unconsolidated sediment cores in plastic liners in whole core, split or slabbed geometries.