XRF, RGB and Photography Core Scanning

Chemostratigraphic Services

The determination of the chemical property variations downcore to interpret depositional environment, climate-variations, reservoir characteristics, and post-depositional processes is becoming an increasingly popular technique in the oil and gas, mineral, unconventional and geohazard industry. It is now possible, using Geotek’s core scanning services to determine the chemical (X-ray fluorescence), colour (colour spectrophotometry), mineralogical (near-infrared spectrometry), and magnetic (point magnetic susceptibility) variations of your core material. Our split/slabbed core surface Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) technology (MSCL-XZ and MSCL-XYZ) efficiently and simultaneously acquires a range of chemical parameters at resolutions in the centimetre or sub-millimetre scale.

  • Element determination using XRF techniques (ppm, %, or cps)
  • RGB colour assessment (RGB, LA*B*, or Munsel)
  • Magnetic susceptibility (SI, CGS)

  • 50 μm linescan core photograph
  • Factural report with integrated logs
  • Software to view the data

Slabbed rock core dataset from an MSCL-XZ
Slabbed rock core dataset from an MSCL-XZ


Chemostratigraphic measurements and visual description require the core surfaces to be open and cut flat. However, once core is split, it begins to degrade. Immediate core imaging (MSCL-CIS) and colour measurement preserves a record of the visual appearance of the fresh core, and rapid magnetic susceptibility measurement guards against loss of data due to oxidation effects. Geotek offer a turnkey solution to geological/geohazard core logging, which includes core splittingimagingMSCL and X-ray core logging, and visual description.

We can also rent our specialist logging facility to our clients should they wish to conduct their visual logging in conjunction with the above mentioned process.

For further information please contact us.